Baking course | March 21st

29,99 €

Tax includedplus shipping or local delivery costs

Only for the Berlin area.
You are welcome to order for pickup from us in Kreuzberg or for delivery anywhere in Berlin. Click here for our delivery costs.

Date and Time:Sunday, 21.03.2021 | 10:00

Location: Online - the link you get from us in advance by e-mail

Length of time: about 2 hours

"After the first digital baking courses were such a success and, above all, so much fun I thought, I thought that I now always have a Sunday morning every two weeks digital baking class. "- Cynthia

Theme this time: Vegetarian Quiche & Spring Salad

In a live baking show you do something hearth with Cynthia this time: a beautiful, light quiche and a seasonal springy salad.

All at home at Cynthia in the kitchen - accompanied with a professional camera guide.

You get the recipes in advance so you can bake / cook in parallel with cynthia if you want.

    Cynthia is looking forward to a great workshop with you!

    Limited to 100 tickets.

    Each ticket is valid for a person. If you want to participate in several people together on the baking course, please buy a ticket each.

    Quiche Photo © Maja Smend from "Cynthia Barcomi's Backbuch"