Quinoa Salad | vegan

4,90 €

Tax includedplus shipping or local delivery costs

5 4af37ddb 3681 4a77 8568 024718a0c125

Since 1994


Based on our own recipe
From Cynthia Barcomi

Shopify icons 47ac1803 e4a9 43e7 be5f 19cef4b237f4

Always without additives
Without flavor enhancers or gelatine

Anyone who has already eaten at our café knows them: Our dressed salads.

A colorful quinoa salad with roasted vegetables of season, pomegranate seeds, cranberries, red onions & fresh herbs.

Available in three different sizes & packaging types:

1) In single portions in plastic cups - perfect for a nice catering
2) 300g - sufficient for 2 to 3 people, depending on what else is served with it
3) 1kg


Do you deliver too?
Yes, we also deliver. You can choose whether you want to get picked up or supplied with us in Kreuzberg. There is a minimum order value of €39 for a delivery.

Does you also deliver Sundays? We deliver 7 days a week - also on Sunday.

Do you also deliver to the city limit? Yes, we deliver throughout Berlin - also to the city border. If the system does not recognize your postal code, call us at 030 612 037 32.